Our Key Personnel

Davis Njobvu

Senior Partner and Head of Dispute Resolution

Over a period of 21 years, Davis Njobvu has handled and/or played an advisory role in major litigation matters, including arbitration and mediation under the UNICTRAL Rules, as well as giving advice to clients on various aspects of the law at a prestigious Malawian firm. He has acted for major clients in local and international matters ranging from employment law, personal injuries, aircraft accidents, cross-border trade, trademarks, winding up of companies, taxation disputes, fraud and other commercial matters, public /administrative and criminal law matters. He has also attended Advocacy and Trial Techniques seminars and training courses within and outside Malawi.

Under his guidance, numerous clients have managed to avoid potential liability and/or have successfully prosecuted civil and criminal cases.

He volunteers as part time lecturer in Professional Conduct and Ethics at the Malawi Institute of Legal Education (MILE) since 2019 and is also involved in writing papers and making presentations on legal ethics with the Malawi Law Society for Continuing Professional Development.

Davis is also an accomplished musician.

Professional Qualifications

2000: Bachelor of Laws, LL.B. (Hons.), University of Malawi, Chancellor College


  • Malawi Law Society
  • Musicians Association of Malawi

Career Summary

2000 – September 2021: Associate/Senior Associate, Savjani & Co

October 2021: Senior Partner, DNC Chambers

Areas of expertise

Litigation, Advisory work.

Top Matters

  • Worked with international lawyers in an advisory role and assisting with research in matters commenced outside Malawi involving allegations of sexual harassment, child labour / forced labour against Malawi entities, discussing formulation of policies and making presentation to client’s employees on the law relating to sexual harassment and contents of policies.
  • Successfully represented clients in employment matters involving claims in millions of US$ taken out by former employees who formed part of the top brass. Apart from involving senior employees, the matter involved novel areas of employment law and could have resulted in huge potential liability for the client.
  • Represented a big Malawian insurance broker in a matter where they have been sued for allegedly, failing to arrange insurance for tobacco which was being transported to China and was allegedly damaged at sea. The amounts involved are large and the case is complex. The tobacco was alleged to have been damaged at sea aboard a South African owned ship. Mr Njobvu had to work closely with the client’s South African based lawyer. Matter is currently awaiting judgement before the Commercial Division of the High Court of Malawi
  • Successfully represented a conglomerate in an action for control and/or ownership of a joint venture company valued in billions of Malawi Kwacha (Millions of US$). This matter involved application of contract as well as company law principles. The Claimants’ action was dismissed in the High Court, and they appealed to the Supreme Court of Appeal for Malawi.
  • Successfully represented a local bank in a claim by a customer for alleged breach of contract and/or negligence. The matter was very important for the client not only because of the amounts involved (millions of US$) but also because it was touching on client’s business reputation.
  • Represented a minority shareholder in a publicly listed company in a claim for oppression and/or unfair prejudice against the company and/or the majority shareholders and/or the directors of the publicly listed company. The matter involved issues of company law, accounting and financial disclosures, auditing, compliance with listing requirements and accounting standards, fiduciary duties, arm’s length transactions and transfer pricing etc. The matter was settled out of court.
  • Successfully represented a Malawian Bank at a mediation in London, England in relation to claims by an American financial institution brought by way of an arbitration under the UNCITRAL rules.
  • Successfully handled and concluded a criminal matter involving fraud by a senior manager. Although the amounts involved were not very huge, the case raised issues of accounting and knowledge of VAT and corporate tax issues. The prosecution called 10 witnesses including bank managers and handwriting expert.


  • In 2018, “Chambers Global” who interviewed parties in Malawi and elsewhere described Njobvu as a “brilliant mind”. They further reported that clients stressed that he is one to look out for… “Always prepared, presents his case clearly, puts forward his position well and plays by the rules”.
  • Recipient of lifetime achievement award from Lions Club of Malawi in 2007 for contributions to acoustic music


  • English
  • French
  • Greek
  • Latin
  • Chichewa